I was supposed to run last night and I didn’t. And I don’t really feel too bad about it. So there.
I got home from the 9-5 (which is really a 7:30-6) and did some work on a website project that I’m wrapping up. Then I laid my head down. And I slept from about 8pm until 6:45 this morning.
Sometimes your body needs a hard reboot.
I’ve been working 17 hour days for a few weeks now along with my running challenge so my body is reasonably taxed and tired.
You might experience something similar as you make radical changes to your life. Your body is used to a routine and when you step outside that routine your body gets tired faster. You might not feel the physical exhaustion at first since it will be masked by mental excitement from your new activities, but sooner or later you’ll notice that you’re just sleepy as hell.
It’s okay. Rest up. It’s not possible to kick this much ass without a good nights sleep every once in a while!